Friday, December 31, 2010

Hope everyone...

..had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you all on Monday, January 3rd.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Miss.Sturgeon was absent this afternoon and will be away tomorrow due to a respiratory infection and laryngitis. She has no voice. If there are any concerns please write a note in the agenda and she will write back Thursday. Sadly, she is unable to return any phone calls, or make any phone calls.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

General News

A special thanks to all those of you who made it out to interviews. It is always so nice to meet all the parents behind the students and have a chat. Those who requested phone interviews will have a time set up this week when it is most convenient for you (via the agenda).

Our class is looking forward to the Willy Wonka presentation at Holy Trinity. Please make sure you return the permission form as soon as possible. The play is Dec. 7th.

As I told many parents at interview time, students should be reviewing times tables every night. These will ensure success in all areas; from fractions to word problems, to division. It is also essential students be able to tell the time on an analog clock (not as digital one). If your child does not wear a watch, please have them start wearing one that is analog soon. Time lapse is quite tricky in Grades 4 and 5!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Remembrance Day

All parents are encouraged to attend the Remembrance Day ceremony that our class is running. It begins at 9:30 am in the gym. Our class remembrance video will be shown at the ceremony.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Remembrance Day

Our class is helping to run the Remembrance Day ceremony. Miss. Sturgeon has requested that students fill in tonight's homework sheet regarding family history. Students are to ask/inquire if any family members fought in WWI, WWII or any other wars. If relatives are Peacekeepers (currently), that can be included as well. We are creating a video for the ceremony.


Math Workshop

Please note that Miss. Sturgeon (and Mr. Costa) will be busy with a math workshop on a few days coming up this week and next week. Miss. Sturgeon's days so far (most are half days) are Thursday, Friday, Monday and possibly Wednesday. During those days your child will be taught by a supply teacher. As it is a lot of days at once, if a problem or question arises that is not responded to right away, it may be that Miss. Sturgeon was not there that day and has not yet received the message. She is not ignoring you. She will respond ASAP. Thanks!


ps- You may wish to review best behaviour for a supply with your child. They are our guest teachers and deserve respect as much as a regular class teacher!

Thank You Parents

Thanks to all of you who sent in baked goodies or purchased treats for our Halloween Party. It was a fabulous afternoon with Halloween themed cooperative games, prizes, a small dance and of course a 'Boo'ffet table spread full of food. The students behaved beautifully, ensuring that we can have a similar party at Christmas. Thanks so much for helping to make it a success. Parties are less fun without the food. :)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Digital Parenting

There is a great workshop coming up in November dealing with Parenting in the Digital age. The information has been sent home. Please take time to check out the workshops. They are excellent and offer many tips about everything from Facebook and your child, to online homework help.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vote Analysis

Looking at the graph (on the right) where students went home and looks like Arts and Gym won as the favourite subjects! We will have to keep doing lots of neat artistic activities this year and have fun working out in gym.


Recent News

Monty reminds all parents and students that even if you have finished your homework, it is a good idea to check out links like Monster Math every night to master basics in math, especially multiplication!!

Our Confident Children program has begun in class. We had our first session on Friday and it was lots of fun! Students learned the importance of listening and not interrupting as well as lessons about respect and cooperation.

Operation Christmas Child boxes are now available at the school. Please send in you requests for boxes.

Math Test Monday! Use your study guide to review the types of questions!

PHOTO DAY IS THIS WEEK!! Send your school photo selection cards with your pose choice and colour of background Tuesday!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Parent Info Night

Thanks to all of you who came out to our parent information evening. If you did not attend, and wish to have copies of the 3 handouts, please right a note in the agenda and I will send them home. I am looking forward to a great year....and looking forward to getting our Smartboard, which is supposed to be installed shortly.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day

Welcome back!! We had a successful first day of school in our Grade 4/5 class. Please take time to look through the wealth of information that was sent home with your child. Fill in the sheets 'learning about your child' that are included in the orange homework duotang and return by Friday. Sign, fix and return the information sheets a regarding your address and phone numbers. Thanks!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

School Supplies: Welcome Back!

Hello! Welcome back to our new school year! This year, our class will be a Split Grade 4/5. We are also lucky enough to be granted a SMARTboard to use daily in our classroom. It will make learning even more fun and interactive. Please check this class site weekly for updates and websites.

Note to parents: Please don't run out and buy lots of school supplies. All your child really needs for school is a good pair of scissors, pencils, an eraser, a ruler and a set of pencil crayons. That's ALL. A Kleenex box and 4 tennis balls for the chairs are always appreciated too. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Parents: Did You Know? Neat video about technology...and outdated already!


Our poetry cafe will be held on Monday, June 21st at 10:40. Please come out and support your child by listening to their emotions on paper. They put lots of work and personal expression into each poem. The Poetry Cafe may be moved from the library to the classroom, depending on how many parents we need to accommodate. Thanks!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oil Leaking into the Ocean

I have added the link to the live Webcam under the ocean that is recording the liters of oil leaking out into our ocean. Students can also scroll down and check out the numbers, literally thousands of liters a day. Click on the link beside this note. Stay tuned HOPEFULLY for a solution to this terrible pollution.

Monday, May 31, 2010

June Persuasive Topics

Please have your child choose a topic that they are interested in and assist them with the research. There are many good articles online, as well as books and videos in the local library. Each student needs a few articles printed that show 3 good reasons for or against their topic, as well as a few pictures for a poster. Bring all items in a baggie with your child's name attached by Monday (June 7th). Last years essays and posters on animal testing, puppy mills, child labour etc. were inspiring and moving! I am looking forward to more of the same this year!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hidden World of Puppy Mills

Scientists in Schools

Our Geologist will be arriving Friday Morning, June 4th for a great presentation about rocks and minerals and super hands-on activity stations. Don't miss Friday!!!

Persuasive Projects

Students are doing very well brainstorming and discussing their persuasive projects. All research and photos are due Monday June 7th!

Persuasive Writing

The art persuasion has begun! Students are beginning to write persuasive letters and essays in class. They began with the task of arguing for or against having ugly school uniforms to wear in September, and composed letters of protest to the principal. We will be moving along to persuasive essays which will have heavier social issues....puppy mills, child labour, animal abuse/testing etc. Keep watch for your child bringing home their research topics. They will be required to print information at home on their desired topic in order to provide facts and help sway their audience. Let the debates begin!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mini Science Research Projects

Please note: The mini science report Rocks and Minerals is due Thursday April 29th. Students can use the websites on their sheets as a great place to do research. Links to those sites will be posted on this calss website shortly!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Poetry Cafe

As students finish their hard work on their poetry books, we will be preparing for a Poetry Cafe Robust Task. Students will be choosing their favourite created peoms for a poetry reading for the parents, taking into consideration the audience and atmosphere they wish to represent. This challenge will be also incorporate their french poetry writing. More information will follow in agendas and in a newsletter. Keep your eyes open in the next few weeks for a date and time! (Beginning of May/end of April)


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Did You Know 2.0

Here's a video that many parents might find interesting.  It's about technology in society and how it affects our education system.

Friday, March 12, 2010

PIG PEN FUN! Critical Thinking Activity

The students did an excellent job creating their pig pen designs on the floor of our gymnasium. The principal joined us and reviewed all the pig pens. She was impressed with the students ability to articulate the reason behind the task and the outcome of their designs. Harvey the Wonder Pig explored each pig pen as well.

Winner will be announced after March Break when 'Farmer Joe' has reviewed the plans and the cost of each pig pen. Good Job Everyone!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pig Pen Finals

The Pig Pen building competition will be held this Friday, March 7th. Students will be making their groups Pig Pens life size in the gym. Harvey the pig will be inspecting them, taking photos and sending them to Farmer Joe. Farmer Joe will review each design, and look at the cost for fencing. After March Break he will determine a winner and hand out certificates to the top 3 pig pens. What a fun critical thinking task!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Don't forget to review and re-read your study guide for Friday's Measurement, Perimeter and Area test! The guide will represent what types of questions will be on the test.

Special Visit

Archbishop Prendergast will be visiting our school Friday afternoon! As a result, lunch recess hours will be altered slightly to accomodate his visit. What an honour! Each class in the school is making a page to be placed in a book and presented to him at the assembly.

Neat Facts:
The Archbishop was born in Montreal in 1944.
He was ordained as a priest in June, 1972.
He has a BA from Fordham University in New York, and a Masters Degree in Theology.

He has a Doctorate in Scripture from Regis College in Toronto, where he taught and was a Dean.
He was also an Archbishop in Halifax.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


In class, we are beginning our music studies focus. Students will be listening to a variety of songs from orchestral to modern, and from a variety of eras. We will focus also on African drumming songs from Ghana and link to our religion program of social justice, caring for others and the importance of clean drinking water. Please check out the MUSIC LINKS posted here to help learn at home. Especially the PARTS OF THE ORCHESTRA and PIGGY'S RECORDER.

Language Arts will link with music as students compose works of poetry. We are currently wrapping up other descriptive writing and the class has done well with describing objects, creatures and settings.


We are finally updating this site!

A few updates as we get this blog rolling again...

SKATING: Please note, the next skating days are March 23rd and March 30th at the same 2pm time slot. Please come join us skating if you can. We can always use extra hands to tie skates, and the students love skating with you!

MATH: We are working on Perimeter and Area. We have a "Robust Task" coming up (aka a critical thinking skills mini-project)! This project, done in class involves the following:
In a group---creating a pig pen design using an area of 24 square tiles for Harvey the pig. Harvey belongs to Farmer Joe who lives in Saskatchewan. Students create 3 designs, then calculate the perimeter of each. Students then calculate the cost of fencing for each cage based on Home Depot prices, and calculate which pig pen is the most economical for Farmer Joe.

The students will be extending their thinking to determine how much it will cost to also raise the pig and sell him when he is older. Will Farmer Joe make any profit from sales, compared to how much it cost to take care of Harvey? We will use our money knowledge to find out!! Prizes will be given to students with the most comfortable AND economical pig pen to keep Harvey happy and healthy. FUN!!

From Monty