Monday, September 26, 2011


Grade 5's try CELL CRAFT as extra homework. It has moved to the link right down here...


Math Homework:

Grade 5 pages 15, 16 and 17 (all)

Grade 4 pages 14 to 16, read and do all questions, page 18 all.

Art homework will come home Wednesday for those not finished. It is due Friday.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Field Trip Friday!

Hello all! I hope everyone is excited about our first field trip to the Richmond Fair. It looks like the weather will be nice. Please dress according to the temperature outside and pack a good lunch and snacks. The buses will depart the school at around 9:30am and we are expected to be at the Fair by 9:45ish. We leave at 1:15 and are due back by approximately 1:30. We will have regular class for the rest of the afternoon. It looks like fun!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome Back

Hello! Welcome to another year of Grade 4/5 at St. Martin de Porres school! Please check this site often... your child can practice times tables, math basics, as well as try language arts activities and fun creative programs on evenings that they have completed any homework. News will also be posted, as well as due dates for projects, field trips and any other news that may affect your child. I am looking forward to a great year!

Miss Sturgeon