Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fall News

 Our class is finishing our place value unit in math, so watch for a short test study guide to come home towards the end of the week.

    Prodigy account logins will be sent this week, as well as Class Dojo login information.   **Watch for these pages in the agenda.

Our next math unit will be Patterning and Algebra, in conjunction with ongoing practice of mental math; addition and subtraction of numbers up to 100,000.

Our focus in language will be narrative writing, variety of sentence structure (to avoid the use of  repetition such as and then, and then, and then....) as well as adjective use to describe.

    Science will continue to focus on different human body systems. We are almost finished the Digestive System, and move on towards the parts of the cell and circulatory system.

    Our class welcome Miss. Martin, our student teacher who will observe our class every Wednesday. 

*****Our Terry Fox run was a success! Our class raised $220.00 (and that is not yet counting the online payments) for cancer research!*****

Monday, September 10, 2018

It's Homework Time Again!

The homework will begin tonight. It is posted in the tab above labeled HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAYS.
Use a notebook that you like from a store (Dollarama) OR ask or one from the classroom, OR if you have a printer you can print the sheet.
Using a notebook? Write the TITLE of the page and number your answers properly.
We will correct and discuss the homework on Friday in class.

Miss. Sturgeon

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


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Hello and welcome to Miss.Sturgeon's Grade 5 class blog. This is where homework, news, important events, and units of study will be posted. If you wish to communicate, please place a note in your child's agenda. A welcome newsletter with several sheets attached about your child was sent home today. Please review, fill in where needed, and return to the school. Thanks!

Miss. Katrina Sturgeon