Welcome to the information hub for Miss.Sturgeon (and Mr.Pickles the seal). This is where the Grade 3/4 Sturgeonites will meet to find links, homework and weekly classroom information.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
                   pg 100 to 103 (All questions)
Grade 5 pg 52 to 55 (All questions)
Math Test came home in the special yellow duotang. Please make any corrections and return it with a Parent's signature. They are due Friday.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Homework This Week
This week's homework, in addition to studying for our Unit Test with the study guide, is as follows:
Grade 4: pg. 59 # 1 -16 and 25-27 AND page 60 Magic Squares Fun.
Grade 5: pg. 37 (all the page) AND pg. 38 AND pgs 40 - 41
As always, feel free to try more if you finish early, or visit multiplication websites located here such as MONSTER MATH.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The text homework for the week is:
GRADE 4: PAGE 31# 1 to 20 and page 35 # 1 to 10 AND then #33 and 34
GRADE 5: PAGE 27 # 1 to 17 THEN # 20 to 25 AND # 37 to 39
The math test study guide will be sent tomorrow (Wednesday) since due to Mass today, we did not finish completing it.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Homework This Week
Grade 4: pages 22 ad\nd 23 read and try all questions, AND page 26 (Check-Up review) try all.
Grade 5: pages 21 (all), pages 22 and 23 (read and try all). PLUS page 24 (Check-Up review) try all.
A Math Unit Test study Guide will be ready to come home next Monday. We have been filling it out in small chunks in class.