Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Miss. Sturgeon is finally feeling better, her fever is gone and she will be back at work tomorrow. The homework worksheet that should have come home can be handed in on Monday, since the snow day also got in the way and students had one less night to work on it.

Grade 5 students will have a science test coming up, so keep your eyes open in the agenda for news of a study guide!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome Back Homework

All-Study 4 times table for a Friday Quiz and Wednesday Mad Minutes. Use games like Sketch's World (link on to help!

Grade 4 math text pages 132 and 133

Grade 5 math text pages 107 and 108

DON'T FORGET YOUR PERMISSION SLIPS, HELMETS and SKATES FOR TUESDAY'S SKATING! Any parents who are able to join, please come to help tie skates. It takes a long time to tie 28 pairs!