Tuesday, November 20, 2012


This week's homework is practicing multiplication...basic times tables and one step beyond.  Try pages 52, 53 and 54 in the text this week.

We are kicking off our school wide WITS anti-bullying program this week. Please see the official website for the information about the program. It is great to use at home with arguing siblings!

Scroll down a tiny bit for the Link List for No Bullying. ------------------>

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Miss.Sturgeon's first Bitstrips comic.


Our Class is now on Bitstrips! Have fun creating and sharing comics about a variety of topics, both fun and educational. Our class login code is:


Our username is Our Class. That way, altogether is says Our Class Rocks!!  :)

During our computer block students will be working on uploaded assignment tasks. If a task is not finished by an assigned date, it can even be worked on at home! Have fun!