Thursday, March 26, 2015

Turn off the Lights: Earth Hour!

Earth Hour is this Saturday (in two days!) at 8:30. Remember to turn off all the lights on your home and have some FUN with flashlights or board games, read a spooky tale, have some family bonding time.

Show you are concerned about Climate Change! Our School is participating tomorrow afternoon.

Take a peek:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Weekend Homework Special Tasks

Due to the amount students struggle every year with division, decimals and fractions, we are starting weekend extra homework practice worksheets. They will come home Friday and will be due Monday morning. We will correct them as a class that morning and review mistakes and misconceptions.

Please take time to help your child, especially if their times tables are not memorized by now. Division is tricky when times tables are not known. Fractions will be difficult as well, as times tables are used to create equal fractions or reduce them.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Homework this week will continue to focus on our quest to have all students completing 50 times tables within a three minute time slot. We do daily speed tests to increase accuracy and timing. This week's focus is on the 7 times table. The homework also includes the drill for division speed, using the same seven fact family.
Grade 5 also has textbook work practicing multiplication; page 56 and 57 # 1 to 10 and # 36-38.

We are beginning to focus on two and three digit by one digit multiplying. Then moving towards double digit by double digit and finally long division.

Long division is always a challenge for students, and knowing times tables will help greatly.