Monday, January 29, 2018


The long green paper coming home today is a practice test/study guide for our big Data Management test on Friday. This is the only homework this week, no regular online tasks will be posted. Try as many questions as possible. Look up definitions, or see if you can remember them from in class! The test will be very similar to the take home practice. Make sure to ask about things you are still unsure of! We have all week to still practice these concepts.

Image result for study clip art

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Skating tomorrow at 9:30

Image result for skating clip art

-We go directly to the arena after a brief coatroom attendance.
-Our ice time starts at 9:30 sharp.
-Students without items needed will be doing math in another classroom.
*Please note, this counts as part of our gym class subject/curriculum.

Don't forget a bike helmet (or other helmet type), mittens and your skates!
Miss. Sturgeon is at a workshop and the students will be skating with former physical education teacher Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs.O'Neil.