Sunday, February 9, 2020

This Week

Valentines will be exchanged on Thursday, after our first block DANCE-A-THON! Our class will be dancing continuously from 9:55 until recess at 10:30.
If you are bringing Valentines cards or treats to exchange, please make sure you bring them for everyone. We will walk around and drop our items into decorated bags that are on each students desk. 
We have 28 students in our class. Please let me know via the agenda if you would like a list of all the first names of our classmates. OR, If I get enough name requests by Tuesday, I will post first names here on the blog for a short time, then delete them after Friday (for privacy) so they are not publicized all year. (We have very limited ability to photocopy)

Have fun! We have a busy week!
Monday- PJ Day
Tuesday- Outdoor Play Day (our Grade 5's are running the teams! So don't miss school!) and Sports Jersey Day
Wednesday- Crazy Hat Day
Thursday- Dancing, Valentines and Red, White, Pink Valentines Colours Day
Friday- PD Day

In math, students are doing very well with the current concepts! Here is a snip from the curriculum of what we are investigating right now:

Friday, February 7, 2020

Bus Cancel Day

Due to the snowy roads, the transportation is canceled. Since we get very few students, no new work will be covered today, just review or catch-up tasks.

Miss. Sturgeon

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Next Week

Spirit Week & Boomerang Lunches (February 10th-13th):

Monday - PJ Day
Tuesday - Winter Play Day and Sports Jersey Day
Wednesday - Crazy Hat Day
Thursday - Dance & Red/Pink/White Day! 
Friday - PD Day

Our Eco team is introducing *Boomerang Lunches* waste - free lunches all next week.  Items need to be reusable in their lunch bag.  Wrappers and garbage come back home, nothing placed in the garbage.