Sunday, April 18, 2021

Spring Virtual Learning

 Alright everyone (especially Parents), just breathe. 

    Here we go again! We are back to virtual learning with our children. The days will be structured the same as the previous virtual learning sessions. We will begin with attendance and a check-in at 9:15am. It will often be Math to start the day, but sometimes we will alternate with Language project work. The learning will be synchronous (teacher guided, live) until about 9:55 and students will begin their independent practice work (asynchronous). I will still be live in the Google Meet for any questions students have, but my camera and mic will be off so they can concentrate. Next, students will log into another Meet with Mr.Dignam for French/Social Studies/Music. After lunch, beginning at 1:00pm, students will have a variety of subjects such as language, religion, science, arts, health. There will be time at the end of the day (around 3:15) to revisit incomplete work or review math.


9:15- 10:30    MATH

10:30-10:45   RECESS BREAK (go outside OR be active. Try not to stay at the computer)

10:45-12:00   French (Mr. Dignam)

12:00- 1:00    LUNCH BREAK (try to be active at some point in this hour)

1:00-2:15       Language Arts Subjects

2:15-2:30       RECESS BREAK  (go outside OR be active. Try not to stay at the computer)

2:30- 3:45      Science and Math Review (some days religion, health or arts)

Virtual Learning Update


What will Monday, April 19 look like for Elementary Students?

  • There is currently no education staff working in our schools during the Spring Break from Monday, April 12 – Friday, April 16.
  • Staff will return to work on Monday, April 19 to collect items and tech, and will need some time to transition to remote learning and make arrangements for our system classes.
  • Before the regular lunch hour period, parents will receive a link to their child’s classroom Google Meet page. This link will connect with the classroom teacher on the afternoon of April 19 and every day during the lockdown.
  • During the remote learning period, students will follow their regular school timetable. This schedule includes start and end times and times for lunch recesses. 
  • Parents may decide the appropriate amount of online screen time for their child during the remote learning period. Educators will connect online with their class every day.
  • We do not have a date for the return to in-person classes and transportation. 
  • We will keep you up-to-date as new information becomes available.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Miss.Sturgeon is Away

 Miss.Sturgeon is away. Work will be posted in Hapara for students for the day for working in class or at home.