Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Our class has begun learning all about perimeter and area.


Perimeter is AROUND the object or shape, like a fence. To calculate you add the outside measurements!! P = Side + Side + Side + Side

Area is the INSIDE surface of the object or shape, like grass or flooring
. To calculate you multiply length x width. A = L x W

Students are working to create a pig pen for our resident pig, Percy.
They are creating a pig pen with only 24 square tiles and can be creative with any style or shape they wish. However, it must be appropriate for a PIG. The pen must be able to be kept clean (not too many tiny corners). Percy the Pig needs a place for sleeping and eating, so factor that in as well!
Students will be building their final chosen pig pen on the floor of the gym, actual size to find out what our pig enjoys best!
So have fun and THINK!