Sunday, April 17, 2011

Miscellaneous News

Our student teacher has been hard at work planning lessons for the students. She is teaching many lessons in math, language, science and computers. In math, we are saying goodbye to fractions and beginning graphing- looking at bar graphs, pie graphs, pictographs, surveys and broken line graphs.

We have a Fraction math test on Monday. Hopefully all students used their study guide AND self test AND self test answer sheet (sent home Friday) to help study throughout the week and on the weekend.

In language, students have been creating brochures and studying advertising through brochures/pamphlets, which also links to media literacy curriculum.

In science, the grade 5's are exploring Conservation of Energy, which fits in nicely with our Ecoschools Program. Our class is still busy collecting all the school's Green Bins throughout the week and are sorting recycling in addition to checking that teacher's have lights out and computers off at lunch.
