Friday, August 31, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hello to all my new students out there! This website will have information for you and your parents, as well as fun game sites for all areas of interest. It is a good idea to practice your times tables every night using the game links on here, especially if you are finished your regular homework.

-----Miss Sturgeon

Parents- Homework will be in an older math textbook that you can keep at home all year. It is a book that focuses on basic concepts and skills, as well as math vocabulary. They are math activities that students should be able to complete relatively well on their own, with less of the more complex problem solving that is taught in the classroom. This ensures foundational concept review as well as builds confidence in homework skills. On Mondays in the agenda, students will copy the page number and questions they are to complete for the week. They complete the work in their homework notebook and return it by Friday. This allows for budgeting of time if students have extra activities and commitments at home. Very rarely will there suddenly be more work on another day of the week, unless a student has lots of catch-up from the day due to a flare up of the sillies or mis-behaviour.

This year we have a lot of movement: There are Grade 5s with Miss Sturgeon in the morning, and a mix of Grade 4 and 5 in the afternoon. Some of the original Grade 5s stay with Miss Sturgeon, while others move next door to the Grade 6 class with Mrs. Fleury to create a 5/6 in the afternoon. Desks will not be used to store any personal items. Everything needs to move with your child. Items and belongings should be kept at a minimum. A pencil case is really all they need, filled with pencils, erasers and a pair of scissors.