Sunday, September 29, 2013


Homework this week will be studying for the math test on Friday. Read and re-read your study guide. Make yourself a mini fake test based on the questions included. Read the definitions so you remember them. Look at how you solved the word problems. The test is made from the study guide!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

BITSTRIPS is ready for fun!

Please use Bitstrips at home as well as at school to be creative and write. Log onto and use our class code Rocks! to enter. Then you will need your personal password to do the activities and create your characters and avatar. Session One beings in computer lab tomorrow! FUN!!

Monday, September 23, 2013


Grade 5 Texbook Math: Due for Friday the 27th
Page 9 letters A to E in the green boxed area.
Page 10 # 3 to 14
Page 15 # 1 to 13 AND 33-36

Grade 4 Homework Red Folder: Due Friday (hand in the folder too!)
Worksheets practicing calculation accuracy and rounding.

TIME CAPSULE PROJECTS ARE DUE FOR THE WHOLE CLASS ON FRIDAY. If you lost your sheet, ask for a new one quick!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Classroom General News:
Homework was review of Place Value concepts and a series of photocopy pages instead of the text. This happens occasionally, so watch the agenda for homework instructions. Students had a POP quiz to see who understands these concepts. The quiz will be coming home next week in a special TEST AND QUIZ duotang. Sign and return!

Math text homework will start being posted here weekly, in case your child is absent or wrote the pages incorrectly (ie: he/she has no clue what to do because the work does not match what we are learning, OR those numbers are not even on that page! Uh oh..). So check here for the assignments!

Our Richmond Fair field trip is Friday. Lets hope for good weather. Looks like it may be warm that day. Volunteers will receive a call by Wednesday evening. We do not need too many this year. 1 per 10 students is what the organizer requested.

Pizza and meet the teacher night is this Thursday starting at 6pm. Perhaps I will see you then!

---------------Monty and Miss.Sturgeon

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:
           Welcome to the new school year! Our class is now a Grade 4 and 5 split class all day long, with a few different students in the morning than in the afternoon. There are lots of transitions, and I am very impressed with how smoothly the changes happened and how organized and mature the students acted in handling all the changes. I am very pleased thus far with everyone's behaviour and attitude! I look forward to teaching a split grade again this year, as I have had splits for many MANY years! If you have questions about the program, send a quick question or note in the agenda.
**Please note that in a split grade, all students still receive their grade specific curriculum even though they will be present in the classroom listening to the repeated concepts from the lower grade. I know that is always a concern for parents. When asked, many students actually like hearing review from the previous year as it boosts confidence and understanding! Often students don't always fully understand or remember a concept the first time around.
          Please check out this website often for news about our class, or items I feel that are important to you. Some weeks it is updated frequently, other times not as often. There are many great website links I have compiled here, especially ones to practice... such as those dreaded TIMES TABLES. Practice, practice! Those times tables are important!

                                                                                                             I will see you all in person soon.

                                                                                                             Miss. Katrina Sturgeon