Thursday, September 5, 2013


Dear Parents, Guardians and Students:
           Welcome to the new school year! Our class is now a Grade 4 and 5 split class all day long, with a few different students in the morning than in the afternoon. There are lots of transitions, and I am very impressed with how smoothly the changes happened and how organized and mature the students acted in handling all the changes. I am very pleased thus far with everyone's behaviour and attitude! I look forward to teaching a split grade again this year, as I have had splits for many MANY years! If you have questions about the program, send a quick question or note in the agenda.
**Please note that in a split grade, all students still receive their grade specific curriculum even though they will be present in the classroom listening to the repeated concepts from the lower grade. I know that is always a concern for parents. When asked, many students actually like hearing review from the previous year as it boosts confidence and understanding! Often students don't always fully understand or remember a concept the first time around.
          Please check out this website often for news about our class, or items I feel that are important to you. Some weeks it is updated frequently, other times not as often. There are many great website links I have compiled here, especially ones to practice... such as those dreaded TIMES TABLES. Practice, practice! Those times tables are important!

                                                                                                             I will see you all in person soon.

                                                                                                             Miss. Katrina Sturgeon