There will be a short math test on graphing Friday morning. Please read and re-read the study guide to help your child do well on the test. Students also had to complete the last page of the guide as a mini 'homework' for math.
That is the only homework for the week.
A special thanks to parents who sent in props for our Rock Concert. It was a super show; the students did so well and I was very proud of them. They even excelled with their smooth, quick transitions from one number to the next. I will compile video and photos (kindly taken by one of our parents) into a photo souvenir disc for the end of the year, along with many other in class pictures.
**We have three Rock Band Microphones that were sent in and no student has claimed them. If you sent yours in, please write in the agenda that it is yours. I will hold them up again in class and inquire.
Education Week is coming up---watch out for a schedule. We also have a Chocolate Fundraiser AND Jump Rope for Heart. Once again...its busy!