Tuesday, November 11, 2014


If your child said "I didn't get homework tonight", they are correct! Miss. Sturgeon was working on cleaning the gym and removing Remembrance Day props last block, and forgot to send home the work! They will have a short patterning page coming home Wednesday evening!

Thanks to all parents who came out today for our ceremony. I was impressed by the students in our class. They did a wonderful job, were respectful and well prepared. The entire school was on best behaviour in the gym and the ceremony was a success.

Thanks also, to all parents who shared their family history with their children, and in turn, with the school for our Tribute video.

Information regarding interviews will be coming home soon. Watch for the notice in agendas!

Tomorrow is PJ DAY FOR UNITED WAY. Students can donate to a worthy cause and wear jammies all day! If its cold, make sure to wear leggings under light flannel etc.

Miss. Sturgeon