Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lesson Flow

Hello Parents and Students,
To keep things organized, all lessons for the school closure will have a similar flow. 

STEP 1: Will begin with some of the weekly goals, taken from the Ontario Curriculum. Colour coded Yellow.

STEP 2: Next you will see helpful tutorial videos. Colour coded Pink/Purple.

STEP 3: Then there will be virtual textbook-style work to try (You Try It). Colour Coded Green.

STEP 4: Will have gaming or activity links to quiz website or games with those concepts. Don't forget Prodigy Math and Mathletics as well! Colour Coded Green as it is part of You Try It!

STEP 5: Will be an extra extension task, something more creative, or art/science link activities. OR maybe even a cool science/math movie I found, such as Bill Nye or Science Max! Colour Coded Blue.

We will see what works well and what does not. This is a very trial-and-error style of learning/teaching! I hope to start some Google Meet class sessions near the end of each week to ask students if they are having difficulty, if it is too much, too little or if they don't understand key concepts. In these sessions, I may pose a PICKLE PROBLEM word problem, starring Mr. Pickles the seal. Students can try the problem and gives answers the following Google Meet session.

Be well. Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands,

Miss. K. Sturgeon