Friday, October 9, 2020

Thanksgiving Long Weekend

 Thanksgiving...what a great time to count your blessings. With the pandemic, it is even more important to try our best to focus on what positive, good things we have in our lives. Good is hiding everywhere and silver linings are abundant, we just need to train our brains to find them. Our class did a full day of GRATITUDE. We brainstormed and thought about things that make us happy and grateful...from tiny items such as cute cat paws, to big ideas like fairness and love.

Our class is doing a 30 day Gratitude Challenge beginning today. We will be finding the positive things we are grateful for that happened each day and reflecting on them before we leave school each day.

Try it at home before bed! It helps children sleep well to end the day with gratitude instead of complaints!

Miss.Sturgeon has posted some videos to get you started in the previous post. She is also posting her favourite song Baba Yetu (below). It is the Lord's Prayer sung in Swahili . It also happens to show Miss.Sturgeon's top gratefulness items: The beauty of nature and beauty of music!

Fun fact for any gamers out there: This song was composed and written for the video game Civilizations and is the first piece of music for a video game to be nominated and win a Grammy Award.