Sunday, November 29, 2020

Quarantine Classwork- Sturgeonites

Dear Parents,

While students are working from home, work tasks will be posted in Hapara Workspace. Please check there daily for tasks in Math, Language and some Science.

Our class will gather for some Google Meets, please watch for emails and postings here and the Google Calendar for times. I understand it may not be a time that may work for you, just simply try your best, that's all that can be done with this short-notice event.

I encourage all students to try to do their work daily and submit following the instructions on Hapara Workspace for each task. The regular class homework on this blog will be included/folded into the Hapara Workspace daily tasks, so no need to check the homework tab here for the next two weeks. I will not be assigning separate homework in addition to the daily home learning.

Please note---I am still at the school working full regular hours and covering regular recess duties, lunch duties and some classes that are without teachers. If I do not email back with an answer right away, it is because I am not at my computer and may be doing another job or coverage within the school.

The first daily tasks will try to be launched by tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.

