Friday, December 19, 2014

Merry Christmas!

It has been very busy since I arrived back from surgery. It was a success and I feel healthier. It's also about time this blog gets updated. Regular weekly posts will begin again in January, as they got swept aside in the busy Advent season and post surgery recovery (not to mention taking care of family with the flu and pneumonia!).

I am wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas! Have a fabulous break and spend time with loved ones...homework free for two weeks! I will see you all in January, when we being our SKATING at the arena! A schedule will come home soon. FUN!

Miss. Sturgeon

Sunday, November 23, 2014


       An important note for parents. Miss.Sturgeon will be away starting this Friday, November 28th until approximately Dec. 4th for surgery. The supply teacher who has taken the job has been in the class and met the students before. Any very important notes that require immediate action can be otherwise directed to resource, office, etc.

                              Wish her luck!


Homework for this week will be a math patterning practice sheet for grade 4 AND grade 5. No textbook work for Grade 5 this week.

In addition, there will be some language homework added into the mix. For the next few months, there will be grammar or spelling activities in addition to math. Spelling lists will have little quizzes on Friday! So practice those words!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lots for you to sign and return!!

We have been swamped with forms lately for parents to fill in!

Here is a list to keep track of them all:

  • Photo Order Forms Due
  • Report Card Slip signed and returned
  • Interview Time RSVP returned (Interviews will be automatically cancelled if I don't hear back by Wednesday...they take lots of prep to pull work samples and info)
  • School T-Shirt Orders Due
  • Operation Christmas Child Boxes returned (if participating)
  • Pizza Forms Due
  • Bully Information Evening for Parents Form
  • Technology Responsibility Forms/Permissions Due
That's about 8 things to sign and return! Thanks!

K. Sturgeon


Hello! The homework this week is a practice pattern worksheet for grade 4 and textbook work for grade 5.
Gr 5- Text pg 52 # 1-18 and page 53 all.

Both grade have a Class Time Capsule Project for religion to bring in by next Monday November 24th.

Grade 4- Please remember to hand in homework in your dark blue folders!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


If your child said "I didn't get homework tonight", they are correct! Miss. Sturgeon was working on cleaning the gym and removing Remembrance Day props last block, and forgot to send home the work! They will have a short patterning page coming home Wednesday evening!

Thanks to all parents who came out today for our ceremony. I was impressed by the students in our class. They did a wonderful job, were respectful and well prepared. The entire school was on best behaviour in the gym and the ceremony was a success.

Thanks also, to all parents who shared their family history with their children, and in turn, with the school for our Tribute video.

Information regarding interviews will be coming home soon. Watch for the notice in agendas!

Tomorrow is PJ DAY FOR UNITED WAY. Students can donate to a worthy cause and wear jammies all day! If its cold, make sure to wear leggings under light flannel etc.

Miss. Sturgeon

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Remembrance Day Ceremony

Please try to attend our Remembrance Day ceremony in our school gym. Our class is overseeing and presenting the entire ceremony. You can watch your child read and lead us in prayers and poems to honour those who fought for our freedom.

Students in our class are encouraged to wear a white shirt or red shirt, and a poppy on the left side, with jeans or dark pants.

It will begin by 10:45 to allow an introduction and moment of silence at 11am.

Miss. Sturgeon

Monday, November 3, 2014


This week's homework is memorizing the Flander's Fields poem through repetition. We also need family research: photos and information about your relatives that may have fought in any of our wars; whether they lived or gave their lives. We are putting them into a video for our school Remembrance Day Ceremony. Our class is in charge!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Progress Report Cards and Halloween Info

Dear Parents,
       Progress Reports are coming home tomorrow, right before Halloween! Hopefully they aren't too scary! Please sign and return ASAP. Information about Interviews will be coming home shortly.
Friday is Black and Orange colour theme day. If you wish to send in any treats for the class, feel free! We will have a short 'fun block' in the morning before lunch: a daily physical education in-class dance on Friday to the Monster Mash and the Thriller song and some Halloween Games! FUN!

If you go Trick or Treating, be safe and have a wonderful evening.

-------------- --Monty and Miss. Sturgeon

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Homework this week will be worksheets for both Grade 4 and 5. Students will have some math patterning AND some "fun" Halloween vocabulary worksheets.

Tests and Quizzes Duotang- Math tests will be coming home. They need to stay in the duotang and be signed and returned by Thursday. A reminder note will come home Thursday if it has not been returned. These important duotangs will be slowly filled all year with mostly math (and some language and science) tests and quizzes. They need to remain at school, but will come home frequently with new assessments.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Please note the Book Fair is this week! We will view on Tuesday and our purchase time will be on Wednesday morning. Students will bring home a wish list, and money can be sent in to purchase the next day. This is a fundraiser events to get more books into our school library! Hope to see you there!

Miss. Sturgeon


Homework this week is as follows:

Grade 5 Textbook at home on page 31 # 1-9 (round them too!) pg 33 # 25-28 and pg 37 # 8-10. These are all a focus on adding accuracy number sense.

Grade 4- Worksheets in your folder about adding accuracy and subtraction basic review with and without borrowing.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Dear Parents,
    We will be using the wonderful Class Dojo website to track our class learning skills. It is a fun, interactive program that we use in class to give instant news about a child's behaviours. Feel free to check out our class at anytime. Information will be sent home with your child's code so that you can login and check out your child's at-school attitude! Students can change their avatar at home and you can even reward your child after a day of good progress! Excellent for communication!

They will receive their codes when they earn twenty is a reward to change their avatar!

    Please note, the progress of our class is seen daily in class by all the students. We cheer each other on this way, and keep track of how our friends are doing. Similarly, at home, you will be able to view exactly what we see in class all day....our whole class. If you do not like other parents seeing your child's rewards and how we are doing, we can change your child's name to a nickname to keep them anonymous. Nothing embarrassing is listed! It includes things such as 'changed shoes to keep floors clean' or 'participated well' or 'didn't blurt an answer'.

Stay tuned for your code!!

Picture Day

Don't forget, photo day is tomorrow! Dress your best! Our class photo time is 11am.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Homework- STUDY GUIDE!

This week's homework is to study the test STUDY GUIDE that is sent home on Tuesday. Students will fill it in during class, check that the information is correct on the Smartboard, and use it as a test guide. The test is based on the guide, so if your child reviews all the sample questions, and can answer them, they will do very well on the test! Please work with your child to review. Many parents like to make 'fake' test questions for their child at home, based on the style that is on the guide. This is a great idea if you have the time! The unit test is on Friday.
Also Friday- Picture dress for success (whether on a photo, or for your math test!)

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Last Year's Photos Are Ready!!

Below is the link for last years photos. The Rock Star images are not up yet, these are the in-class and field trip images.

Click on the Link to Photos sentence below and click on the green download button.  You will have to type the numbers from the photo in the box to prove that you're human.  The password for the zip file is sturmrt14.

Link to Photos

Video Clips and the Rock Star Videos will be added shortly and in small chunks so that you can download your specific performance.

Homework Oct 6th to 9th

This week's homework is as follows (and is due on Thursday because of the PD Day Friday)

Grade 5- Math Text page 24 (all) # 1-21 Check Up Review

Grade 4- Worksheets that review our Main Concepts

A Math Test Study Guide will come home just after Thanksgiving. Students will have several nights to review. The Unit 1 Math Test is scheduled for Friday October 17th.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Homework This Week

Homework for this week is as follows:

Grade 4- Blue Folder work- Practicing Multi-step word problems and rounding.
SEEM TRICKY? Don't try it all on Monday or Tuesday. We are LEARNING it this week.

Grade 5- Testbook page 19 # 1 - 12, # 16 -20 and # 26 -30 Working on Rounding

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Terry Fox Run

We had wonderful weather for our Terry Fox run! Our class raised $51.00 today! Considering that we had 20 students today (a few were sick) we did very well. We met Terry's goal of at least one dollar per person! We will keep you posted about how much the whole school raised for cancer research. Thanks for participating.

Miss. Sturgeon

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Homework and News

Hello Parents!
This week is our Terry Fox Run. We will be outside Wednesday afternoon for loops around our school playground in support of Cancer Research. Students are encouraged to bring in donations to raise funds. A newsletter about our initiative will be coming home Monday.

Grade 5 -MathQuest textbook page 10# 1 to 17. Read page 11 and answer page 12 # 1-6, 14-19

Grade 4- Homework Baggie worksheets covering comparing numbers and addition basics.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Program Night Reminder

Program Night is tonight at 6:30. It is aimed at adults, as we cover curriculum, assessment and daily routines for your child. If you can make it this evening, that would be great! There will be information handed out only for parents who wish to have copies; I have a sign up Smartboard page to avoid paper wasting, as often, parents do not feel the need to have paper copies of the evening. No hand outs will be issued tonight. They will be sent home with your child, if you request them. Thanks!

Miss. Sturgeon

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Field Trip and Homework

Our Junior Classes (grades 4, 5 and 6) have all been invited to the Richmond Fair for an educational session on nutrition and agriculture. Please sign and return all permission and medical forms by this Wednesday, September 17th. We also need 1 or 2 volunteers per class. If you said YES I can volunteer, names are put in a baggie and drawn. I will contact by phone call Wednesday evening if your assistance is required. The trip is most of the day on Friday, September 19th (approx. 9:30 until 1:30). Let's hope for nice weather!

Grade 4 homework this week are more Place Value practice and some times table basics.

Grade 5 homework is in the Math Textbook
page 6 # 1 to 8 and # 11 to 14 and # 20 to 22
AND page 9 # 17 to 23 and Problem Solving A, B,C

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


     Hello to parents and students! Homework has begun. The Grade 4 students received a mail-baggie with some homework practice on Place Value concepts and expanded form. The Grade 5 students took home their textbooks. Textbooks stay at home in a safe place all year. Complete the pages copied from the Agenda board on Monday and return the purple notebook by Friday. Students always have a full week to complete the work, allowing students a chance to have hockey practice, dance etc. and work around your busy schedules. Some weeks will have more, some will have less. Anytime your child finishes the work with several days left, encourage them to work on the educational games on this blog site as practice. This helps them to be familiar with the math, as well as practice technical media literacy through working with computers. Practice Times Tables too!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


     Welcome to Miss. Sturgeon's Grade 4 and 5 classroom blog. This site will give you information about homework, field trips or events that are coming up, and even educational news and trends. Use the links on this site when regular homework is complete. Try times tables games nightly to keep fresh! It's all here for you. The categories are getting larger and are in need of re-arranging, but most sites should be fairly easy to find. Enjoy! It should be a fun year!

Miss. Sturgeon

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Miss. Sturgeon is eyeball deep in Mathematics and homework during her summer course! She will post the photos shortly...whenever she gets to start her summer. Hopefully by the end of the week.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Class Photos

I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to summer! I am busy taking a Mathematics course all of July from 8am until 4pm, so my summer will start in August. Our class photos and some video clips will be uploaded this coming Friday, so if you have been waiting, now you know the date. Photos will be in folders and you can decide which ones you want to download. The link will be in a separate box on the right.
Thanks! Have a fun summer!

Miss. Sturgeon

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Last Week Schedule

We have a fun, educational last week planned in our class. Here is the schedule:

Monday- Scientists in Schools Hands-on workshop title "May The Force Be With You". It is all morning for our class. Starts at 9am!

Tuesday- App Launch Party- The students in our afternoon Grade 4/5 class will be able to see the Apps they helped to create with AY Jackson students. Library is closed for this event all morning. If you child helped make an App, parents are encouraged to come. Starts at 9am!

Wednesday- Our class is helping to run the Outdoor Summer Playday all morning. Our class are the team captains responsible for watching over and leading the primary students. It ends at lunchtime. Regular afternoon classes.

Thursday- Desk cleaning and organizing the work students want to take home and keep. Report Cards come home.

Friday- Last day of classes. Farewell party for a student in our class who is moving away from the school. Feel free to send in any treats if you have the time or money.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Empress of Ireland

Empress of Ireland

Our class is reading a novel about the Empress of Ireland, and getting ready to meet the author in June. I couldn't believe the luck when this story went on The Weather Network today!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bake Sale Friday

There will be a Grade 6 fundraiser Bake Sale on Friday at our school! Students who want to support our Grade 6 class Graduation should bring 50 cents, a dollar or more to buy baked goods. Our class will visit at 10am to buy treats for morning snack.

Fraction textbook homework for Grade 5 due Friday. Grade 4 red folder worksheets due Friday.

Ultimate frisbee all day tomorrow will be a hot one! An estimated high of 34 with humidex means drink lots of water and dress for the heat. Go team Go! Have fun!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Education Week News

Education this week brings many fun activities! Yesterday was wear your school colours day, today was our big Jump Rope for Heart (which raised over $8000.00!). Tomorrow (Wednesday) I hope to see you all at our morning OPEN HOUSE. It begins at 8:15. Please keep your children with you and tour with them. Try to donate 6 Muffins at the door to ensure variety for our kids and parents to choose from.

In our room, you will find a PASSPORT with a checklist of items to look for of your child's work. If you fill it all in and return it to Miss. Sturgeon, there will be a draw for a little treat for your child (as a thank you for participating). The Dance club will be performing in the gym to signal the end of Open House (around 9am). Then there is a special No Bullying Presentation from 9:30 until 10:30 for Grade 1 to 6.

Thursday the Dance Club is off to their showcase, and the EcoSchools Board Inspectors will be visiting to award our school with either Gold, Silver or Bronze for Environmental awareness/participation.

Friday will be wear a SPORTS TEAM jersey and school BINGO at 2:30 for prizes!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

News Flash

Homework this week was a refresher for fractions, the unit that we will be starting next week. We will see who remembers fractions from last year! The grade 4's have fraction basics in their red folder, and the Grade 5's have their math textbook work to complete.

Newsletters this week were everywhere! Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser info came home, as did Pizza orders, 80s Night Dance information, our Education Week schedule and Open House information. Chocolates also went home. If you do not want to sell any...bring them ALL back. :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hummingbird LIVE Webcam

This is a live webcam feed of a little hummingbird. You rarely find them on their nests. This one is ready to hatch its miniature eggs. Stay tuned to see live baby hummingbirds! They are incredible creatures.

Math Test

There will be a short math test on graphing Friday morning. Please read and re-read the study guide to help your child do well on the test. Students also had to complete the last page of the guide as a mini 'homework' for math.  That is the only homework for the week.

A special thanks to parents who sent in props for our Rock Concert. It was a super show; the students did so well and I was very proud of them. They even excelled with their smooth, quick transitions from one number to the next. I will compile video and photos (kindly taken by one of our parents) into a photo souvenir disc for the end of the year, along with many other in class pictures.

**We have three Rock Band Microphones that were sent in and no student has claimed them. If you sent yours in, please write in the agenda that it is yours. I will hold them up again in class and inquire.

Education Week is coming up---watch out for a schedule. We also have a Chocolate Fundraiser AND Jump Rope for Heart. Once again...its busy!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rock Star Day tomorrow!

Tomorrow is our big Rock Star Day...the Wacky Wednesday grand finale. Please dress extra Rock Star for our class performance. Try to remember that 50 cent donation for the OK Water Project.

The performance will begin around 2:30. It is short...only about 25 minutes long. It should be silly and fun! Parents, come enjoy the show if you are available!

K. Sturgeon

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dislocated Knee

Miss. Sturgeon has been away since Wednesday and should be back on Monday. Her kneecap popped out of the "track" it moves in, and she cannot walk. At physio, it was put back in the track, but it continues to slip out, so is now held in place with special tape. The Rock Star show will still go on, so keep practicing lip syncing at home!

Monday, April 7, 2014


Our class is providing a small bit of entertainment for Rock Star Day. Our little concert consists of small groups performing a song that they chose. In order to keep everything short, all songs have been edited by either cutting them in half, or chopping out longer portions. The short versions are what we are using to practice this week in class. I would love to post them here, but so far, they will not attach.

Students who wish to rehearse at home with the short versions can simply bring in a memory stick/flash drive and I will transfer the mp3 onto the stick.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

EARTH HOUR 2014 Facts

Earth Hour

Our school has always been a proud participant in Earth Hour. We encourage you all to Turn Off The Lights Saturday night at 8:30 and bring out the flashlights or candles! This shows your support for our earth. Thanks and have fun!

Earth Hour is doing extra special crowdfunding this year. If you are able to donate, check out the website for the really cool projects that you can help...everything from helping villages to building a Turtle Rescue Facility.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Wacky Wednesday Number 2

Tomorrow is WESTERN DAY...cowboy hats, scarves around your neck, jeans, boots...anything from the ol'west! Bring 50 cents or more for our Clean Water Project!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Wacky Wednesday Number 1

Our first Wacky Wednesday is tomorrow! Bring a donation of 50 cents or more for our OK Clean Water Fundraiser Project! THE THANK YOU IS GUM CHEWING!!

Homework this week is a worksheet for all about graphing and some more division practice. Do as many as you can! Get the Fruit Survey on the second page ready and the tally chart set up so we can conduct the survey in class on don't leave your sheet at home!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bus Cancellation Day

Please note, the buses are cancelled today. Be very careful outside, it's slippery and slushing and very wet. For our usual 6 students that attend- get ready for division drills! You can still wear your PJs if you wish. Just make sure you have waterproof layers overtop.

Monday, February 17, 2014

This Week

Since it is a short week with a lot of extra activities packed in, homework will be a short division basics focus once again. The week looks like this:

Tuesday 9:30 until 10:10- Skipping Workshop
11:15 - 11:45 Reading Buddies Program (we partner with Grade 1 and read out loud to them)

Wednesday- Crazy Hair day if you bring a Canned Food Item for Shepherds of Good Hope
                  - Boys in our class away at Handball Tournament

Thursday- Winter Outdoor Playday all morning.

Friday- Pajama Day if you bring a Canned Food Item
          -CGE Assembly and Special Guest Visitor

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


This Friday is Valentine's Day. We are encouraging everyone to dress in reds, whites and pinks. It is also the kick off to our Kindness Week which will continue the following week. Next week is also Winter Carnival week/Spirit week; with Crazy Hair days, donation collections for Canned Food and Outdoor Play day. It's still busy this month. I thought January was too busy. Here we go again!

We will exchange Valentines in the mornings only for the junior grades. That way, students in two different classes do not have to buy cards for double classes. If you wish to sent items or cards, just worry about the morning group: we have 25 kids in our morning class.



Homework this week is beginning to practice division. Obviously, memorizing those times tables are crucial to division. If your child cannot remember those times tables, keep using flashcards, Youtube songs or games such as Monster Math or Sketch's World to practice.

We are starting off with division basic drills, moving towards small long division problems (and longer two- digit-by-one-digit long division). Students will be working towards earning their Ontario Divider's License this month! So practice that division!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Busy Week

This week has a lot packed into it! We had Gym Jam tennis today! Tuesday (tomorrow) we have skating at 10am, followed by the Basketball Free Throw competition at lunch. We have a priest visiting our class on Thursday, and skating again on Friday at 9am.

The photocopier is out of toner, so the homework sheets were not able to come home today. Perhaps tomorrow.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


This week's homework has two parts:
Study your Math Study Guide for the Measurement Math Test. The test will be at the end of the week, on Friday.

Grade 5- Textbook Homework page 250 #1-3 and pg 251 # 1-3 and 5-7. (Just skip number 4!)
Grade 4- Red Folder photocopied work.

Next skating times are in February. Thanks so much for all those parents who showed up to help tie skates and hang out with their kids! Skating is always fun!

Friday, January 17, 2014


For those students doing catch-up homework from this week on the weekend, here is the homework from the past week:

Grade 5- textbook math pages 242 #1-4, page 244 #1-9 and page 245 # 2-10.
Grade 4- Red Folder photocopy pages.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Skating Tomorrow

Don't forget its our skating trip tomorrow! There are still 10 students who have NOT returned the permission slip! If the slip is not brought in tomorrow with skates and a helmet, students will need to stay behind and do extra work in another classroom.

Parents who can volunteer, please meet us at the rink just before ten to help with skates. We are leaving the school at 9:45am to walk over and begin skate tying. The more parents, the merrier!

It is a PD day on Friday. Homework is due Thursday instead.

Grade 4- Red Folder measurement and perimeter work.
Grade 5- Textbook work due Thursday.

Monday, January 6, 2014

School Bus Cancellation

A little FYI- when the school buses are canceled, we usually only get about 5 to 8 students in our class. No new material or curriculum is covered on these days. It is purely review.